Acadia National Park
Million visitors
in 2017 - 4 Total listed species
- $284.5M Visitor spending in 2017
Protected species include:
Northern Long-Eared Bat
Listed since 2015
Along the rugged coastline of Maine,
Acadia National Park offers ocean shoreline, coastal forests, remote islands, rocky mountains and historic lighthouses. Among the park’s granite peaks is Cadillac Mountain, which at 1,530 feet stands as the tallest mountain on the Atlantic coast.
Acadia provides marine and land-based habitats for a diversity of species.
There are approximately 80 species of freshwater plants and a quarter of all plants are grasses, sedges or rushes. Many of the park habitats are small and dispersed, making small animals more common.
What is the role of the Endangered Species Act?
National parks would not be complete without the animals and plants that call them home. The Endangered Species Act is the most important tool to make sure species vital to the parks are protected for the long term.