Death Valley National Park
Million visitors
in 2017 - 8 Total listed species
- $106.8M Visitor spending in 2017
Protected species include:
Desert Tortoise
Listed since 1980
Devils Hole Pupfish
Listed since 1967
A world of extremes, Death Valley is the nation's driest, hottest and lowest place,
but also features mountains that experience below-zero weather and snow, as well as colorful badlands, sand dunes and canyons. Its dramatic mountains, valleys and dunes are world renowned for their complex and diverse geology.
While at first glance the desert landscape of Death Valley may seem barren, it is actually teeming with life.
Vegetation is abundant where water is present though can be sparse in other areas. Animals have adapted to the hot and harsh environment, many of them active at night and resting during the day.
What is the role of the Endangered Species Act?
National parks would not be complete without the animals and plants that call them home. The Endangered Species Act is the most important tool to make sure species vital to the parks are protected for the long term.